GRE Reading Comprehension: ETS-GRE阅读ETS - _NU6J7OPFW245ES57

The author most probably mentions the reactions of northern White writers to non-Europeanized "sorrow songs" in order to A. indicate that modes of expression acceptable in the context of slavery in the South were acceptable only to a small number of White writers in the North after the Civil War B. contrast White writers earlier appreciation of these songs with the growing tendency after the Civil War to regard Europeanized versions of the songs as more acceptable C. show that the requirement that such songs be Europeanized was internal to the African American tradition and was unrelated to the literary standards or attitudes of White writers D. demonstrate that such songs in their non-Europeanized form were more imaginative E. suggest that White writers benefited more from exposure to African American art forms than Black writers did from exposure to European art forms