GRE Reading Comprehension: JiJing 352-GRE阅读机经352篇 - ZV5FP5AL563XPDZ9J

The statements above, if true, most strongly support which of the following? A. The body of the dwarf woolly mammoth was less than three-fourths the size of the body of an average adult nondwarf woolly mammoth. B. None of the teeth of the dwarf woolly mammoth that were recently discovered was as large as any of the teeth of nondwarf woolly mammoths that have been discovered. C. The teeth of most adult dwarf individuals of mammalian species are three-fourths the size of the teeth of the adult nondwarf individuals of the same species. D. Dwarf woolly mammoths had the same number of teeth as did nondwarf woolly mammoths. E. Dwarf individuals of most mammalian species are generally no more than three-fourths the size of the adult nondwarf individuals of those species.