GRE Reading Comprehension: JiJing 352-GRE阅读机经352篇 - YV4K2C0XO9075UD1K

Writing about nineteenth-century women's travel writing, Lila Harper notes that the four women she discussed used their own names, in contrast with the nineteenth-century female novelists who either published anonymously or used male pseudonyms. The novelists doubtless realized that they were breaking boundaries, whereas three of the four daring, solitary travelers espoused traditional values, eschewing radicalism and women's movements. Whereas the female novelists criticized their society, the female travelers seemed content to leave society as it was while accomplishing their own liberation. In other words, they lived a contradiction. For the subjects of Harper's study, solitude in both the private and public spheres prevailed – a solitude that conferred authority, hitherto a male prerogative, but that also precluded any collective action or female solidarity.