GRE Reading Comprehension: ETS-GRE阅读ETS - S821KP0RO6E05J957

Which one of the following creative processes is most similar to Miles Davis' typical studio procedure of the late 1960s, as described in the fourth paragraph of the passage? A. The producer of a television comedy show suggests a setting and general topic for a comedy sketch and then lets the comedians write their own script. B. An actor digresses from the written script and improvises during a monologue in order to introduce a feeling of spontaneity to the performance. C. A conductor rehearses each section of the orchestra separately before assembling them to rehearse the entire piece together. D. An artist has several photographers take pictures pertaining to a certain assigned theme and then assembles them into a pictorial collage. E. A teacher has each student in a writing class write an essay on an assigned topic and then submits the best essays to be considered for publication in a journal.