TOEFL Listening: TPO-TOEFL阅读TPO - Q5O0FSZ4K1L67C16N$

Scholars have wondered about meaning of the subjects, location, and overpainting of Lascaux cave image. A. The paintings may have recorded information about animal migrations, and may only have been useful for one migration at a time. B. Unlike painters of the recently discovered paintings, other Lascaux cave painters usually painted on rocks near cave entrances or in open spaces outside the caves. C. The human figures represented in the paintings appear to be less carefully shaped than those of animals. D. Some scholars believe that the paintings motivated hunters by allowing them to picture a successful hunt. E. It is possible that the animals in the paintings were of mythical significance to the tribe, and the paintings reflected an important spiritual practice. F. Scientific analysis suggests that paintings were sprayed onto the rock walls with tubes made from animal bones.