GRE Text Completion: PeakGMT-GRE填空PeakGMT - M454H6PGI36DOMIPI$

Similar estimations of Sanskrit court literature, Indian literature, were common and given a fillip by the fact – that the Indians designate what in Europe is called poetics as "the science of (i)____________ ". Many European scholars concluded that the literature was characteristically preoccupied with form over content, exhibiting a prurient fascination for long-winded, stereo-typed and florid description. Indian poetry had a (ii)____________ for indirection, and a tendency towards obfuscation, achieved through the accumulation of ever greater numbers of verbal conceits and figures of speech. The inclination towards ornamentation, floridity, and indirection in courtly and religious aesthetic forms reflected the tyranny and superstition of their origins. These traits were thought to reflect the deeper political and philosophical (iii)____________. A. depiction B. relish C. geneses D. narrative E. repugnance F. deficiencies G. embellishment H. euphonicalness I. bountifulness