GRE Reading Comprehension: ETS-GRE阅读ETS - I14WCMSZ2456922I7

Which one of the following most accurately states the main point of the passage? A. Although CEOs may be legally obligated to maximize their corporations' profits, this obligation does not free them from the moral responsibility of considering the implications of the corporations' actions for the public good. B. Although morality is not easily ascribed to nonhuman entities, corporations can be said to have an obligation to act morally in the sense that they are made up of individuals who must act morally. C. Although economists argue that maximizing a corporation's profits is likely to turn out best for the public, a CEO's true obligations is still to seek a profit for the corporation's owners. D. Although some people criticize corporations for making unethical decisions, economists argue that such criticisms are unfounded because ethical considerations cannot be applied to economics. E. Although critics of corporations argue that CEOs ought to consider the public good when making financial decisions, the results of such decisions in fact always benefit the public.