GRE Reading Comprehension: ETS-GRE阅读ETS - CXJNIYSAC6J8F0M57

Which one of the following best summarizes the main conclusion of the author of the passage? A. Rembrandt differed from other artists of his time both in his aesthetic techniques and in his desire to meet the demands of the marketplace. B. The aesthetic qualities of Rembrandt's work cannot be understood without consideration of how economic motives pervaded decisions he made about his art. C. Rembrandt was one of the first artists to develop the notion of a work of art as a commodity that could be sold in an open marketplace. D. Rembrandt's artistic achievement cannot be understood solely in terms of decisions he made on the basis of what would sell in the marketplace. E. Rembrandt was an entrepreneur whose artistic enterprise was not limited to the paintings he actually painted himself.