GRE Reading Comprehension: ETS-GRE阅读ETS - BDIC14N7LUUP5J3D7

Which of the following statements, if true, most weakens Wiehle's theory that complex behavior could evolve only once? A. Horses, introduced to the New World by the Spaniards, thrived under diverse climatic conditions. B. Plants of the Palmaceae family, descendants of a common ancestor, evolved unique seed forms even though the plants occupy similar habitats throughout the world. C. All mammals are descended from a small, rodentlike animal whose physical characteristics in some form are found in all its descendants. D. Plants in the Cactaceae and Euphorbiaceae families, although they often look alike and have developed similar mechanisms to meet the rigors of the desert, evolved independently. E. The Cuban anole, which was recently introduced in the Florida wilds, is quickly replacing the native Florida chameleon because the anole has no competitors.