TOEFL Listening: TPO-TOEFL阅读TPO - AAD41C11N1973DLBN$

The invention of movable type was an important technological development both in Europe and worldwide. A. The industrial process for mass paper production was first introduced in the early fifteenth century. B. The Gutenberg Bible was the result of combined technologies in the mass production of paper and the newly invented manufacture of movable type. C. The increased need for classical texts and reference books along with the existence of an established workshop system stimulated rapid growth in the printing trade. D. The mechanized production of books in the fifteenth century is the first instance of a modern industry in Europe. E. Hand-copied texts continued to be in as great demand as printed books in fifteenth-century Germany and Italy. F. Printed works were located primarily in libraries at the end of the fifteenth century because they were still too expensive for mass sale.