GRE Text Completion: PeakGMT-GRE填空PeakGMT - A3NWDICI1FDQ661NI$

Specifically, the Government wanted to ensure that the legislation (i)____________ the importation of non-kosher frozen meat would remain (ii)____________ notwithstanding its potential violation of the right to freedom of occupation, guaranteed in Basic Law: Freedom of Occupation (BLO). However, instead of amending the BLO to create an exception for frozen meat importation, Israel created a mechanism which allows the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) to declare that (iii)____________ notwithstanding the BLO. A. enhancing B. in force C. constitutional rights are cardinal spirits D. banning E. futile F. infrequent using it is countenanced G. impeaching H. nonsense I. any act of their choosing shall apply