GRE Reading Comprehension: ETS-GRE阅读ETS - 9E22TQRC24605B537

Which one of the following is most analogous to the method of analysis employed by the investigators mentioned in the second paragraph? A. A pollster gathers a sample of voter preferences and on the basis of this information makes a prediction about the outcome of an election. B. A historian examines the surviving documents detailing the history of a movement and from these documents reconstructs a chronology of the events that initiated the movement. C. A meteorologist measures the rainfall over a certain period of the year and from this data calculates the total annual rainfall for the region. D. A biologist observes the behavior of one species of insect and from these observations generalizes about the behavior of insects as a class. E. An engineer analyzes the stability of each structural element of a bridge and from these analyses draws a conclusion about the structural soundness of the bridge.