TOEFL Reading: ETS-TOEFL阅读机经 - 7MH5833OEROIG50XL$

Researchers who study habitat selection among animals have proposed various models for the process. A. Peter F. Sale argued against the hypothesis that animals have cognitive maps of their ideal habitat by demonstrating that animals explore less in suitable habitats than in unsuitable ones. B. Animals kept in the lab easily recognized images of their natural habitats during different seasons of the year. C. Researchers have demonstrated that migratory species of birds select their breeding habitats at a point in their life cycle when they are ready to reproduce. D. Peter F. Sale's model of habitat selection explained how animals distinguish suitable habitats from unsuitable ones as they integrate stimuli from multiple cues in the environment. E. Laboratory experiments and field observations showed that day length, dominance relation within species, risk of predation, and competition for food play a role in habitat selection. F. The fundamental elements that determine habitat selection may differ from the immediate cues to which the animals respond.