In the late nineteenth century, technological and managerial innovations greatly raised productivity and transformed United States industry A. Thomas Alva Edison, Andrew Carnegie, and John D. Rockefeller invented new technologies and management systems for the electrical, iron, steel, and oil industries. B. Americans became loyal consumers of manufactured products like breakfast cereal and soap primarily because of the high quality associated with the brand names. C. An economy characterized by competition between numerous small companies gave way to an economy in which only a few major companies were able to survive and dominate. D. As manufacturers produced more goods than the market could easily absorb, they developed new advertising and marketing techniques to stimulate demand for their products. E. George Eastman succeeded in creating a mass market for cameras not only by lowering manufacturing costs and selling prices but also by offering to develop film free of charge. F. The industrial transformation brought a number of social benefits, but it also encouraged the exploitation of workers and polluted the environment.