TOEFL Listening: TPO-TOEFL阅读TPO - 53O5I75B7K7754P3N$

There are a number of arguments against the idea that Paleolithic cave paintings were created for the sheer joy of painting. A. It is generally agreed that art as imitation arose during the age of Classical Greece B. Paleolithic artists often chose to paint pictures that were intended to frighten people C. People in the Paleolithic era may not have had time for art, and the placement of the paintings does not indicate that they were meant to be looked at D. Paleolithic artists chose to represent only a small segment of the natural world, and their paintings were not always strict imitations of nature E. Hunting was central to Paleolithic life, and animals are central to cave art, leading some to believe that the paintings were created to bring luck to hunters. F. Humans were rarely the subjects of cave paintings because it was thought that capturing the image of a hunter would cause the hunter to be virtually trapped.