TOEFL Listening: TPO-TOEFL阅读TPO - 510RYJ299VJER350N$

Various attempts have been made to explore the role that trade played in the rise of ancient states. A. Barter, a basic trade mechanism that involved the direct exchange of goods or services, depended on a high degree of social complexity. B. Renfrew suggested that an organized state emerged in Minoan Crete because of intensified trade, but current views indicate that trade was probably only one of many variables. C. It was only in the 1970s that most archaeologists began to realize that the long-distance trade typical of Minoan communities varied significantly from that of lowland Mayan communities. D. Rathje's hypothesis that long-distance trade led to the emergence of a Mayan state has been objected to, and it is argued that other factors such as warfare may have played an important role too. E. Renfrew and Rathje are recognized today for having correctly analyzed the basic relationship between trade and the emergence of states, even though they were wrong about many details. F. Current views indicate that trade was not the most important agent of ancient civilization and that long-distance trade was a result rather than a cause of complex societies.