TOEFL Reading: ETS-TOEFL阅读机经 - 4SO7V3O5A79P82CNL$

Throughout the European Mesolithic, the trend was toward greater social complexity and greater exploitation of food resources. A. Early in Mesolithic, Maglemose hunter-gatherers arrived in Scandinavia from regions beyond the Baltic Sea and began to establish seasonal sites along bays and near lagoons. B. In Scandinavia, populations were growing and becoming more sedentary, leading to more elaborate burials and to exchanges of goods with other groups. C. Because most Mesolithic populations outside of Scandinavia were widely separated by deep forest, they tended to develop more economically and socially complex societies. D. By the end of the Mesolithic, Scandinavians had developed elaborate and specialized tools for exploiting a very wide range of food sources. E. Climate change forced southern Scandinavia to leave coastal areas and relocate to Central Europe, where they took advantage of food resources in dense forests and lakes. F. The stages of Mesolithic culture in Scandinavia, unlike those in other parts of Europe, are more distinct in part because climate changes were more extreme in Scandinavia.