TOEFL Listening: TPO-TOEFL阅读TPO - 40F125GQFD8KJ14WN$

In 1943 raccoon populations in North America began to expand rapidly, probably becoming fifteen to twenty times larger by the late 1980s. A. Raccoon populations have grown in part because of expansion into new habitats created by the growth of urban and especially suburban areas and perhaps by the spread of agriculture in some regions. B. Raccoons are native species only from southern Canada through Crntral America, but in the twentieth century they successfully migrated to most other regions of the Western Hemisphere. C. Raccoons have been deliberately introduced throughout the United States and in other parts of the world, and transplanted individuals are often rapidly able to exploit new environments. D. Raccoons became established in Canada when coyotes expanded into their habitats in the United States. E. It is unlikely that raccoon populations will grow in the future at the rate they have since 1943because raccoons have now colonized most of the habitats suitable for them. F. The elimination of wolves from much of the United States was probably essential to raccoon's expansion and numerical increase, and the control of coyotes might also have contributed.