GRE Reading Comprehension: ETS-GRE阅读ETS - 24QXD24SWBOHU2N17

Which one of the following is most analogous to the situation described in the final paragraph? A. A new theory about the annual cycles of breeding and migration of the monarch butterfly has led scientists to look for similar patterns in other butterfly species. B. A new theory about the stage at which a star collapses into a black hole has led astronomers to search for evidence of black holes in parts of the universe where they had not previously searched. C. A new theory about how the emission of sulfur dioxide during coal-burning can be reduced has led several companies to develop desulfurization systems. D. A new theory about photosynthesis has convinced a research team to explore in new ways the various functions of the cell membrane in plant cells. E. A new theory about the distribution of metals in rock formations has convinced a silver-mining company to keep different types of records of its operations.