GRE Reading Comprehension: ETS-GRE阅读ETS - 1DKC6NY4C3CMX11W7

According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the reception of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by the American public? A. The public had too strong a belief in the doctrine of progress to accept the cynicism demonstrated at the conclusion of Twain's novel. B. Twain's novel received little public recognition until the work was adapted for motion pictures and plays. C. Although the public enjoyed Twain's humor, his use of both sixth-century and nineteenth-century characters confused many people. D. The public has continued to enjoy Twain's story, but the last part of the novel seems too violent to American minds. E. Because of the cynicism at the end of the book, the public rejected Twain's work in favor of the work of Thomas Malory.