TOEFL Listening: TPO-TOEFL阅读TPO - 03YT8A2XP6C3_U1RN$

Alexander the Great's creation of a vast empire had important consequences for Greece and the conquered areas of southwest Asia. A. Scholars from Antioch, Alexandria, and other Middle Eastern cultural centers came to Greece to study the Greek language and culture. B. Increasing urbanization and the elimination of trade barriers meant the end of the Greek city-state and the creation of a much larger political and economic body. C. The professionalism and specialization so prized by the ancient Greeks were replaced by a more generalized philosophy of education in the empire. D. The expansion of Alexander's empire led to the diffusion of Greek language, literature, and thought throughout the Middle East. E. The empire saw the birth of a new culture, merging Greek philosophical ideas with the religious spirit of Asia. F. Religion played an important part in the expansion of the empire, as Alexander introduced Zeus and the other Greek gods to Asia.